Saturday, 29 December 2012
Building St Paul's Cathedral
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Happy Christmas
I heard this song a couple of years ago. I found then and continue to find each time I hear it something quite moving about. I don't know what it is; it just has some sort of effect upon me. You might reasonably call it a carol - a Christmas carol in particular - yet it has something else. It certainly has a modern feel but that isn't all. What do you think? Have a listen (and give it a like on YouTube too).
Monday, 17 December 2012
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Different angles on the Klein Bottle
While searching the web for different sized corks, I came across the following picture on the 'ways to mount a Klein bottle' page at
This is not the only way in which a Klein bottle can be 'mounted' - that is, orientated and held up. However, it is the one I somehow find most appealing. (Perhaps the Oxford English Dictionary in the background adds something to the bottle in the foreground.)
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
* For example, when I lived in South Wales, I once heard of a man who always got a Bible for Christmas.The reason being that by the time Christmas came around each year, he had worn out the one he had got the previous Christmas though over use.
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Separated at Birth
The French philosopher Jacques Deridda ...
... and from the film 'This Island Earth', Mr Exeter (played by actor Jeff Morrow in heavy makeup):
Or, should that be the other way around!?
Friday, 23 November 2012
Having a Laugh on the London Underground
A lot of people like trains. While there are many avid trainspotters, I never considered myself to be one. Instead, I have always been a London Underground buff. So when my daughter sent me this link recently, I was immediately enthralled. Some people have - or perhaps someone (a veritable Underground Banksy) has - been altering the maps and other signs on the London Underground in quite amusing ways - as you can see above. I found some tumblr and Facebook pages for 'Stickers on the Central Line' and Google searches for this phrase yields numerous results.
This appears to have been going on since my birthday last year (27th April 2011) although, sadly, it wasn't my idea and I have nothing to do with it. I consider whoever is doing it to be contributing positively to underground travel and long may they continue to do it - and evade detection.
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Sunday, 11 November 2012
John Henry Newman
"God has created me to do Him some definite service; He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another. I have my mission—I never may know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next. Somehow I am necessary for His purposes, as necessary in my place as an Archangel in his—if, indeed, I fail, He can raise another, as He could make the stones children of Abraham. Yet I have a part in this great work; I am a link in a chain, a bond of connexion between persons. He has not created me for naught. I shall do good, I shall do His work; I shall be an angel of peace, a preacher of truth in my own place, while not intending it, if I do but keep His commandments and serve Him in my calling."
Monday, 5 November 2012
In what world are we?
But in the world of the insane, the sane man is the outcast.
Monday, 29 October 2012
Sticks and Stones
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Nixie Pixel
Geeks, Linux users and the like may well have come across Nixie Pixel. Clearly not her real name - which I don't know. I subscribe to her YouTube channel Nixie Does Linux which gives a weekly Linux-related topic. Here is an interesting image taken from her personal site - a reading system that she equates with a Kindle.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012
I don't understand this world sometimes
Either because I was busy doing something else or because of the bazaar nature of their task, or perhaps both, I failed to ask why the lights needed to be counted and numbered. Now I am left wondering. This tend is something of a cathartic blog.
What possible reason can there be to do such a thing? This is in a building where they have just painted the firedoors (giving this an air of importance) and there is a sign extolling the building's energy efficiency; yet the main doors have been jammed wide open for over a year causing an updraft (extremely dangerous I would have thought when a 6-7 storey building catches fire) and an icy blast chilling the place in winter and causing us to turn up the heating. One wonders what is the point of such a seemingly trivial exercise. (I say 'seemingly trivial' because somebody is sure to be able to give some 'rational' explanation as to why it was, in fact, important if not vital.)
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Saturday, 6 October 2012
My schedule is mistaken
I could go into various reasons for this but what does it matter.
Instead of one blog on 5th October, there was one on 1st October and now this one in the early hours of 6th October - just before I go to bed at the end of the previous day. So, in a sense I am (almost) on schedule. Strange that somebody such as myself, who claims to hate working under rigid structures, should impose a structure upon himself. Or, is it a desire for good personal discipline in an attempt at aiding productivity?
One could think of this week there hasbeen two blogs instead of one; although this one is pretty worthless, except that it illustrates that my organisation needs to be - and when I finish typing this will be - improved. The way to do that will be by making an advanced note in my old fashioned paper diary. Although this diary is kept to make retrospective notes about what I have been doing, marking blogging days so that they can be seen in advance won't hurt.
So until 11th October ...
Monday, 1 October 2012
My Favourite Anatomist
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Something's Missing
A cursory glance and all one sees is an attractive middle-aged woman in a bikini enjoying a swim. One might not even notice it without the indelicacy of looking more closely at her body but this woman has no belly button! Her name is Patricia Heaton and from what I can gather from the internet, she has had a 'tummy-tuck'. Although why she would want one that removes her belly-button I don't know. After all, it rather draws attention to the fact that she has had some sort of surgical procedure - they don't disappear spontaneously. So its absence is sure to set people talking. Then again, perhaps that's what people in show business want. Many have done more extreme things to their bodies precisely for that purpose.
However, it gets me thinking of something quite different: Eve. Did Eve - from the Garden of Eden story - have a belly button? She was not born but created from Adam's rib. Neither she nor Adam were born in the usual way - neither grew in utero and so neither were connected to a placenta via an umbilical cord. Therefore, no belly button.
This may seem a rather trivial point to raise but it has been a contentious topic in the creation debate. It has even given rise to something called the omphalos hypothesis. (Omphalos being Greek for 'belly button'.) If Adam and Eve had belly buttons then they had to be created with them. If created with them then they were created with a false history. However, that would, in effect, make God a deceiver. That is simply not on as that goes against at least one of the basic qualities of being God: being truthful. Apparently, there are creationists that believe that Adam and Eve had no belly buttons and that the trees in the Garden of Eden had no growth rings! These people hold to a doctrine called omphalism which holds that the universe was created with apparent history.
And yet the belly button is such an insignificant thing - until that is, it isn't there.
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Where did all the bird's come from?
On the way to work one morning, I walked under the roundabout as usual and was confronted by a host of origami birds laid out on the floor. This certainly made a change from the stranded pigeon that one sometimes finds down there.
I wondered if it was part of an art project or something. (I was once stopped by a man in town who asked me to take his photo. He was stopping 100 people and getting each of them to do this as part of an art project.) So, I looked for a sign saying why the birds were there but there wasn't one. All I could do was take some photos.
What was interesting was other people's reactions. I stopped for a couple of minutes and looked at this presumed installation from different angles. I was also careful not to tread on any. Other people just took no notice. Admittedly, they didn't kick them about - at least not while I was there. However, they were much more disorganised in the evening when I went home and they were gone the next day.
(I also wondered if this might be part of a psychology experiment into people's reactions to unexpected objects. I looked for somebody with a clipboard making observations but couldn't see anybody.)
Monday, 17 September 2012
BarCode - 10
Here's another barcode saying 'Marginalia55'. This is a Dutch Post KIX. I've seen similar things stuck to letters in the UK. Next time I do, I must carefully compare the two.
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Removing a monarchy
During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries many of the world's monarchies were removed. By "the world's", one is essentially meaning "Europe's". That is where most of the highly sophisticated monarchies seem to have been located. Now relatively few are left; continually and carefully changing so as to remain in place.
The way monarchs were previously deposed was somewhat blood-thirsty. One would hope that such an approach would not be adopted in future. So how might one get rid of a monarchy humanely and permanently?
One way would be to hold a referendum each time a monarch dies, not on whether to continue with a monarchy but on whether to accept the incoming heir to the throne as the next sovereign. If the will of the people is to accept this person so be it. If the will of the people is not to accept this person then the monarchy should be held in abeyance and an interim presidency held until the unwanted heir dies. At that point, it should be put to the people whether they are willing to accept the next heir to the throne as monarch. If it is their will, so be it; if not, the period of interim presidency continues. This might be allowed to go on for up to three successions perhaps. If three heirs are rejected by the people then the monarchy might then be deemed to have been abolished.
This offers a gradual transition from monarchy to presidency allowing people the opportunity to sample what a presidency is like and to change their minds when a potential monarch becomes available. It also allows people an opportunity to make their feelings about an heir to the throne felt. The current like-it or lump-it approach is surely outdated in an age when people should be exercising their own freewill.
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Funny Photos
One of the best collections of funny pictures that I have come across on the web can be found at George Takai's Facebook page.
Check it out. Beware: You could be there for a long time and may even hurt yourself laughing.
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Thursday, 23 August 2012
National Anthems
Friday, 17 August 2012
Father and Son - 2
Saturday, 11 August 2012
How big is Wikipedia?
I first came across Wikipedia in 2005 when I was working in Austria. It started in 2001 and somehow I had missed it for it's first four years. I cannot remember how I discovered it. It may have been through an American colleague. I have never heard anybody ask how big it is though. I have read about iPhone apps that can download an entire copy for offline use, so one could say that Wikipedia is as big as an iPhone – or as small as an iPod. More seriously though, what would it be like if it were printed and bound in hardback volumes like those of my youth?
Fortunately, some people – clearly out of range of my hearing – have asked the same question and have made some estimations. Fittingly, there are even Wikipedia pages on the subject.
The current diagram of the 1695 volumes in 9 stacks can be found at: Wikipedia – Size in volumes.
The image is not downloadable but here is a screen clipping from the page, much reduced in size.
There are, of course, a number of assumptions and caveats, so please see:
Wikipedia – Size Comparisons
Importantly, Wikipedia does not delete old versions of a page. So, there is much more to it than is immediately accessible. The diagram for the 7129 volumes in 36 stacks can be found at: Size of all Wikipedia versions. Be sure to scroll all the way to the right.
NB It is interesting, how they are filling the shelves from the bottom to the top in this figure.
I came across the following at digital inspiration on the page entitled 'Wikipedia as a Printed Book – Seriously!' This is a 5000 page book which was taken in turn from the person who produced it: Rob Matthews.
Another question - one that is impossible to answer in that it is not reasonable to ask it - is when will Wikipedia be full? Computer storage can be increased indefinitely and there will always be something new to add. However, the rate of new article additions seems to be slowing. Is there an asymptote for the number of (sensible) articles that can be written?
Monday, 6 August 2012
Not a Barcode
It was generated at Sam Alexander's Inverse Graphing Calculator page.
Friday, 27 July 2012
Olympic Flame - yet again.
It appears that the Olympic flame has gone out at least once while it has been in this country ... and, as you will see, to much consternation - almost, one might say, panic.
What I did not realise was that it went out almost as soon as it was first lit back in Greece earlier this year. (Only an expression of 'mild panic' then though.)
With that - let the games commence. (Surely, I've nothing more to say on the subject. At least, I hope I haven't - but who know what the next couple of weeks may bring. Who would have though that people could get so upset by flags.)
Monday, 23 July 2012
Who is Exploiting (or being Exploited by) Whom?
If those 'exploiting' and those being 'exploited' have different but complementary objectives (albeit unconscious), it is not simply a question of members of one sex exploiting or being exploited by the other. If there are men who want women to look at and there are women who want to be looked at, surely both are using (call it exploiting and being exploited, if you wish) the other simultaneously for their own personal ends.
Dolly Parton once said that 'it takes a lot of money to look this cheap'. Certainly a great deal of effort can be expended trying to attract the attention of others. (Not to mention a lot of money on cameras to make a record that attention!) Consider the picture of Annie Sprinkle (below) that I used in a talk I once gave at the University of Cambridge in 2003. She certainly calls into question the simplicity of the exploiter/exploited question.
(NB I wrote this a few weeks ago, but noticed that 23rd July is Annie Sprinkle's birthday. So, I left posting this until today for no other reason than it would coincide.)
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Apostrophe Crime
Apostrophe crime (essentially any misuse of the apostrophe) is quite common. What is more, it is a fiendishly insidious thing. Those who know how to use apostrophes correctly can easily spot the crime whereas those who do not know how to use apostrophes correctly cannot and do not even realise that it is occurring. One way of making it more widely known may be to draw attention to it humorously.
Friday, 13 July 2012
Found while tidying my iPod
- The child is to the adult as the philosopher is to the mind of God.
- We fit ourselves to the hours of the day. Instead, we should fit the hours of the day to ourselves.
- One needs time for those happy accidents (and inspirations) to occur.
- "The idea of the uncompromising thinker who follows his [own] genius caring nothing for the approval of the world seems, perhaps, just a romantic fantasy. But is it just possible that the new idealist of our own age is out there perfecting a comprehensive system raging in the dark? Maybe it is you. Maybe you're out there my doppelgänger. Take your time". (Transcribed from the Radio 4 programme 'The Romantic Road'.)
- "A snail is God's word in the shape of a shell." (Gregory Normington on Radio 3's 'The Verb'.)
- "Blessed be the inquisitive of the Lord." (Gregory Normington on Radio 3's 'The Verb'.)
- HBK FiNN has a CD entitled 'Light in the Shade of Darkness'. (This struck me as an interesting title. What is also interesting is the way in which he often uses capital letters, except when it comes to the letter 'i'. So it's 'LiGHT iN THE SHADE OF DARKNESS'.)
- Dyslexia as social and existential alienation. (I'm dyslexic and I don't know what this might mean. I include it because it is intriguing.)
Monday, 9 July 2012
Saturday, 7 July 2012
((Still) Not Responding)
The message should perhaps read: 'Windows is not allowing this programme to respond because it is doing something else and so preventing you from getting on with what you want to be doing'.
Sunday, 1 July 2012
Euro 2012 Final: Sunday 1st July – War in Peace?
Today is the final of Euro 2012. Will Spain win or will it be Italy? As in the World Cup, teams representing different nations are pitted against each other. This is also the case for other team sports as will be seen during the Olympic Games in a few weeks. All manner of teams chosen chosen to represent countries. This, it seems, is a rather tribal – even primitive – approach to modern sport. What is it that perpetuates this type of inter-nation rivalry even during times of peace? Why is it that a nation has got to beat another at sport?
When I was a boy, I once read a newspaper report of a football match that had been played the night before between teams representing the English football league and the Scottish football league [See also]. Players of any nationality were selected to represent the league in which they played – not their country. In the history of this match, Scots have played for the English league against the Scottish league and vice versa. Not to mention those who have played who were neither English nor Scottish.
Sadly, this match is no longer played. I often wonder why more matches – even whole tournaments – are not played on this basis though. It is often said that the English Premier League is the best in the world. However, we have no way of knowing if this is true, unless the best players in that league – regardless of nationality – are chosen to play against players representing the best in other leagues. (What we do know for sure is that, irrespective of whether the English Premier League is the best in the world or not, the English national team is nowhere near the best in the world.)
Pitting league against league does not have the nationalistic or jingoistic overtones that arise when nation plays against nation. This would be more in keeping with peace than war. We cannot tell for sure how the supporters would behave but I suspect that there would be fewer grounds for violence, hooliganism or racism when nationalistic feelings are excluded.
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Not to be confused
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Power to the People
I heard recently that moderate Egyptians were rather put out when the Presidential run-off was held between two quite immoderate candidates. In the first round of voting, the moderate vote had been split between a number of moderate candidates allowing the more extreme candidates to get through. The moderate voice was silenced by the very democratic process it sought to foster.
One of the problems with choosing between candidates using a voting system is that of what to do when you like none of the candidates. You have to vote for one or other of the candidates or not at all. In some places, voting is compulsory which only adds to one's problems. So far as I am aware, there is no third way advocated.
The typical view is that either one's vote counts (in that it is used to vote for one of the candidates) or it is wasted. There are currently two ways of wasting a vote: by spoiling one's ballot paper or by not voting. The latter is certainly a waste: one does not turn up; one does not use the opportunity to vote at all. A spoilt ballot paper is considered to be wasted but it is not wasted in the same way. One does turn up; one does make one's voice heard - or perhaps that should be 'make one's presence felt' - although in a quite different way. A spoilt ballot should not be seen as a wasted vote but as a form of democratic expression.
In countries, such as the UK, where electoral turnouts are very low, the spoilt ballot option should, I believe, be used to register discontent with the options available. If one feels disenfranchised due to the poor choice of candidates - or the political classes in general - one should make one's feelings felt. Spoiling one's ballot paper is such a way. It shows that one has bothered to turn up and made a choice: to deliberately not vote for any of the candidates.
In its logical extension, the spoilt ballot could even be used to determine whether an election should be considered to be ratifiable. With a low turn-out, the candidate with the most votes currently wins but this may be a hollow victory. Above a certain percentage of spoilt votes, an election might be considered to be null and void and a re-run necessary.
(I do not pretend to have solved any of the problems inherent in the democratic process - there are sure to be counter arguments. However, these are my musings as ever.)
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Olympic Flame(s)
I said (Tuesday 29th May) that I would return to the question of the Olympic torch. When the torch passed through my village, I overheard somebody saying how each of the flames kept in case the torch went out were the same. The question that immediately sprang to mind was 'How can a number of separate things be the same thing?'
Clearly they cannot. What the Olympic flame and the spares have in common is a certain continuity with what was kindled at Mount Olympus. That, for most people, is probably enough to warrant the idea of 'same-ness'.
There is more, though. This problem is rather like Heraclitus' (c535–c475 BCE) problem of whether one can step into the same river twice. If water has flowed past, is it the same river? If it is not the same river, one cannot step into the same river twice.
A flame is like a river in as much as it has a source. Instead of water upstream, the flame is constantly being fed by a source of combustible material. Some might consider the flame to be the same if the combustible material feeding the flame is from a constant source. However, if a flame ignited in Greece (and fed Greek gas - if there is such a thing) comes to be fed in the UK with British/North Sea gas, then it is doubtful whether one can say that it is the same flame. For Heraclitus, even if the combustible material were the same he would not have been satisfied that the flame was always the same. What makes the flame at each instant in time is substantively different from what made it the instant before and what will make it the instant after.
The way I have seen the flame handled is somewhat reminiscent of how a culture of bacteria is handled. This prompts a new question: that of whether an epidemic can be considered as consisting of one single disease or whether there are different (albeit similar) forms of it due to different individual bacteria infecting different individuals.
Monday, 11 June 2012
Another Barcode - 8
Time for another barcode. I'm surprised at how many different types there are. I'm certainly not even halfway through my collection, yet. Wikipedia gives quite a list.
This is a 'Code One'. As usual, it says 'Marginalia55'.
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Laptop Art
I suspect the situation is different for different types of computer user. The following two images (from Karin Andrea's Flickr photostream) are suggestive of a certain type of user i.e. a serious one (cf the Linux and GNU stickers). These images appeared different occasions on my iGoogle page. I have a gadget called Notebook Photos by GadgetMama which gives a different image of a notebook (computer and paper) each time I login.
Friday, 1 June 2012
More like Rubik's Stack
Here's another variation on the theme of Rubik's Cube found at Gizmodo: an Uneven Rubik's Cube.
There appear to be two variants, a 3x3x7 and a 3x3x9 are available from
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Has the Olympic torch gone out?
This is the best photograph I was able to get.
It looks like the flame has gone out though. Which brings to mind a conversation I overheard in the crowd earlier about the reserve flames that were being kept in Davy Lamp like devices. Somebody said that they were all the same flame - but are they? Four - I think it is - separate flames that are all the same! This prompts a number of thoughts. So ...
I shall return to this sometime in the future.
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Some Quotes
Here are some quotes that I've had lying around for quite some time. They are of interest in and of themselves even if their veracity may be, at some times, questionable.
'Were I to hold the truth in my hand, I would let it go for the positive joy of seeking.'
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
'In our century, specialisation has become the counterfeit of brilliance.'
Richard Gordon
(I'm not sure which Richard Gordon said this but I would not be surprised if it were the author of the 'Doctor' series of books.)
'With computer technology, we now have the capacity, as Lewis Thomas (1989) put it, "to leap across mountains of information and land lightly on the wrong side".'
Collins (1999)
(I'm not sure who Collins is but the Lewis Thomas in question was surely the famous biologist and writer.)
The following may or may not be a quote. It was one among a page of notes relating to the work of William Harvey (1578-1657). (Exactly how it is related, I'm not sure - it was a loose note after all! If it was not Harvey that said it, it may well have been me philosophizing and scribbling down my thoughts.)
'A finding – a piece of work etc. – may have limited value in its own right or its own time but be of disproportionate merit in the incentive it gives to the work that follows as a result of it.'
Friday, 18 May 2012
RIP Donna Summer
I am also reminded of what I blogged on 1st February 2011 (After we are gone). After we are gone, will it be said of us that we left more than we found - or left things better than we found them. Opinions may vary but somebody who got the world dancing - instead of fighting - leaves us better off.
Rest In Peace? I wonder. If to DIE is to Dance Into Eternity, bring it on.
Saturday, 12 May 2012
No Apology
Before I consulted him, I had asked a group of some 70 or so students if they knew anything about this. They did not - despite having reference to it in their lecture notes. Had they not read these notes or had they just memorised them taking what they said at face value without actually studying the topic?
All-in-all the whole affair has proved informative and seems to vindicate my approach: that lecture notes are what students take down in lectures - not what lecturers give in addition to (or, in the case of some students, instead of) lectures.
One cannot learn from notes, when they are the primary source of information. Notes are a distillation and an aide-mémoire to something much fuller; something about which one wants to be reminded in order to give a fuller picture. An edifice cannot be built using only a few straws of information.
Monday, 7 May 2012
University Teaching
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Friday, 27 April 2012
Happy Birthday
Today is my birthday. So, ‘Happy Birthday to me!’
How old am I? Here’s a hint:
… No. I wasn’t born in 1869!
(If you have ever wondered why Heinz claim(ed) to have 57 varieties (when originally they had over 60), click the image to find out.)
Monday, 23 April 2012
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Where is God?
This is a perennial question – and not one that somebody writing a blog like this is going to answer. However, in relation to this question, here is something to think about. Eliezer Berkovits suggested (and this may be a quote) [that in order] ‘That Man may be, God must absent Himself. The God of history must be present and absent concurrently. He hides his presence.'
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Easter Saturday
Easter Saturday – or Holy Saturday – is the day when God was silent. In his book, God on Mute, Pete Greig writes:
"No one really talks about Holy Saturday, yet if we stop and think about it, it's where most of us live our lives. Holy Saturday is the no man's land between questions and answers, prayers uttered and miracles to come. It's where we wait – with a peculiar mixture of faith and despair – whenever God is silent or life doesn't make sense."
Peter Greig
God on Mute: Engaging the Silence of Unanswered Prayer
Eastbourne: Kingsway Publications. 2007.
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Thursday, 29 March 2012
21st March – has passed unnoticed
I only noticed it this morning when I saw the date on a letter but 21st March last week was a palindrome: (if written) 21-3-12. This has got me musing and what was going to be a very short observation and become much more extensive that originally expected.
It seems that we are fast running out of palindromic dates for this decade. At a rough – off the top of my head – estimate, for this year we have left, the 21st of April (21-4-12), May (21-5-12), June (21-6-12), July (21-7-12), August (21-8-12), September (21-9-12) and November (21-11-12) and next year 31st of January (31-1-13), March (31-3-13), May (31-5-13), July (31-7-13) and August (31-8-13). Of these, 21-11-12, 31-1-13 and 31-3-13 seem quite pretty numbers as they use only two different digits.
After 2013, I don't think that the next palindromic date of this written form will not be until 2020: 2nd January 2020 (02-1-20) if 2 is written '02'. However, this seems somewhat artificial and a little too contrived for my liking. The next 'real' palindromic date is, therefore, 12th January 2021: 12-1-21. Following that, the situation is similar to this year with, this time, the 12th of February (12-2-21), March (12-3-21), April (12-4-21), May (12-5-21), June (12-6-21), July (12-7-21), August (12-8-21), September (12-9-21) and November (12-11-21). Of this 12-2-21 and 12-11-21 are perhaps the most appealing for the same reason I gave earlier. However, 12-3-21 has a particular sort of symmetry being the first three digits in ascending and descending order. Of the others, 12-4-21 has the middle digit as the product of all the others and 12-6-21 has the middle digit as the sum of all the others.
After that, we wait until 13-1-31 – when I hope to be 85 (going on 86) years old!
(By the way, 13-1-31 will be a Monday.)
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Friday, 17 February 2012
(Not Responding)
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
The Non-Thinker
(Found at:
The 'Non-Thinker' probably represents a lot of people. Those I used to see on the train stuck in the repetitive commute to and from the office everyday. It is not necessarily their fault. They get into a rut without realising it. If and when they do realise their condition, it's too late. Socrates (fl. 5th Century BCE) said that 'The unexamined life is not worth living'. Perhaps, if more people took hed of the picture painted by W.H. Davies (1871-1940) in his poem Leisure (1911) they might take steps to rectify their plight.
Addendum 20th Jan 2017:
For much more on Rodin, visit the August Rodin page at Artsy.
Friday, 27 January 2012
More from the Moon
When blogging the 'Earth Shadow' image the other day, I was reminded of the following quote from the Apollo 8 astronaut Bill Anders: 'We thought the mission was to go and study the Moon but what we actually discovered was the Earth.' He was referring, at least in part, to the Earthrise image.
Monday, 23 January 2012
Earth Shadow
I've seen lunar eclipses on a number of occasions. The Moon never goes completely black and the darkening lasts a while. I found this composite picture at APOD that gives an impression of the size of the Earth's shadow on the Moon during lunar eclipses. It is much larger than I had previously realised.
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Wanted – Dead and Live
The topic of a wanted poster featuring Schrödinger's cat came up in conversation the other day. So, I thought about making one. However, it struck me that somebody else must have done it already. I was not wrong. This is perhaps one of the best I found. It is taken from a blog called 'But I Digress'.
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Barcode - 5

Saturday, 7 January 2012
Some gloomy (or should that be sobering) thoughts
Waiting For Godot - Act II
Pozzo's last words as he and Lucky leave.
'We know little about what happens when someone dies. The moment of death is not accompanied by the cessation of all biological processes. Thankfully, so, for if it were there could be no hope of transplant surgery.'
Unattributed. (It might even have been me in a note to myself! I found this while going through some old papers during the Christmas break.)
Sunday, 1 January 2012
Happy New Year