Thursday 1 September 2011

On Prayers

Elsewhere on this blog, I have included some prayers called collects as examples of poetic thought. I have a small collection of other types of prayers which, by being directed to God, can either be used as prayers in a devotional way, or used to glimpse something of the person praying and of the human condition their prayer represents. In this latter respect, prayers appear to be rarely studied as objects in and of themselves. They are rarely studied to find out about the pray-er and his/her concerns. Prayers can also be seen as historical and cultural documents, saying something about the time and place from which they come.

Take from me, O Lord, all desire for worldly praise and all uncontrolled anger and remorse. Give to me a humble and lowly heart, and a mind tender with kindness and compassion. Grant to me also, good Lord, fullness of faith, firmness of hope and fervency of love, that my one desire may be conformity to your gracious will; through Christ our Lord. Amen

Thomas More (1478-1535)